INCREASED BREATHING CAPACITY - In yoga you learn to take your breath deeper into the body. This will increase your lung function and reset your body's relaxation response.
STRESS RELIEF - Yoga can reduce the effects of daily stress on your body. You may find a greater sense of calm and wellness. Yoga can also help reduce the symptoms associated with depression, increase your concentration and anxiety will often decrease. Many people report feeling stronger, younger and more alive. Recent scientific studies indicate that some people will notice a decrease in anger and hostility.
STRENGTH - Yoga asanas use all the muscles of the body helping to gain strength and muscle while increasing the support of the skeletal system - giving the benefit of beautiful sculpted arms and legs.
FLEXIBILITY - As you progress in your yoga practice, you will begin to notice the increase in flexibility helping with your range of motion. Yoga will lengthen your muscles, tendons and ligaments-helping to increase your flexibility.
SENSE OF BALANCE - Yoga can give you a better sense of balance creating a feeling of surefootedness.
PAIN RELIEF - Practicing yoga daily can help ease the pains of the body. Personally, I have noticed less pain and inflammation in my joints.
INCREASE IN CONCENTRATION - By utilizing your yoga practice daily, you can have increased coordination, increased concentration, memory and reaction times.
WEIGHT - You will begin to see the benefits of yoga on your scale and in your clothes. By reducing the levels of cortisol in your body, it will aid in weight loss and fat burning.
ENDURANCE AND ENERGY - Your endurance and energy will increase with a daily yoga practice. Yoga will benefit your entire body and can help improve your overall physical, mental and emotional well being.
INNER PEACE - This is the primary reason most people practice yoga daily and one of the most important benefits of yoga. Yoga also causes a release of serotonin, which is often referred to as the body's 'feel good hormone'.